VPV Stavební s.r.o.

Through 100% of the subsidiary company VPV Stavební S.R.O. we carry out not only professional maintenance real estate of our own and real estate in our administration, but also complex building activities, especially buildings reconstructions. Most of them are repairs and reconstruction of industrial buildings or reconstruction, extensions, construction of commercial units. Last but not least, we also build any new buildings on the "Zelena Louka (greenfield)". We guarantee to deliver honest, high-quality work by experienced experts within the individual professions at the agreed time and unbeatable price.

Ing. Přemysl Kovář
phone: 00420 603 234 320
e-mail: kovar@vpvtrading.cz

VPV Stavební s.r.o.
Masná 1324/1, 702 00 Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava
IČ: 27802051, DIČ: CZ27802051
Společnost je vedena v obchodním rejstříku, vedeného Krajským soudem v Ostravě, oddíl C, vložka 30094
e-mail: office@vpvtrading.cz

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VPV Trading Ostrava a.s.

Masná 1324/1,
702 00 Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava
IČ: 25845543,
DIČ: CZ25845543

Mobil: 603 234 320
E-mail: office@vpvtrading.cz

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